Finding The Perfect Preschool For Your Tintytot
Getting your little one enrolled in a preschool is the first step towards making him move to the outside world. A preschool prepares your child for the real world of schooling. It is a cushion between your home and the school. There are many preschool franchises that you can choose from. While you do your research on them, keep in mind certain things that will make your child’s movement easy. An important factor for deciding on the preschool in Gurgaon is the proximity of the school. Ensure that it is within the radius of 2 to 3 kms from your home or office if both parents are working. This will help you to be available for your child in case it is needed. It may be possible that during the first years of schooling you may be called quite often as the child is still settling in. Most preschools now come with daycare. If both parents are working and there is no one else to look after the child, getting a school with daycare in Gurgaon is important. This makes both the ch...